10502 人文社會學群 教育與學習科技學系


邱洋 教授




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2025-02-14 訊號與系統必修之選【電機資訊必考科目,清大低調巨匠洪樂文教授全英親授】
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2025-02-06 教師備課一定要知道3件事分享報導 ! (20221101)
2025-02-03 【 NTHU OCW × EMI 】Let our professors' engaging teaching bring color to your learning memories!
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2025-01-03 ❤ 開放式課程授權合作推薦 Open Course Cooperation Recommendation ❤
2025-01-03 【2025開放式課程工讀招募】沒有穩定的工作、只有穩定的能力,誠摯地歡迎您加入我們的行列!!滿!
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2024-12-04 【轉發EMI中心】12/10(二) 黃舒屏教授提升EMI課堂學習動機的實用技巧,誠摯地歡迎您踴躍報名! ! !



尋找興趣,提早準備,贏在起跑點!!想追求更多課本以外的專業知識嗎? 清華大學開放式課程為你種植了一座學習資源森林,等你來探索!現在就走進開放式課程的森林,品嚐最甜美的知識果實!
If you are seek for your interests, then prepare advanced so that you can lead the race right at starting line! Do you want to pursue more professional knowledge outside the textbooks? NTHU Open Courses Ware has provided a great number of learning-materials, now it’s time for you to explore! So, go to the OCW now, and enjoy utmost in it!


                 教        學        內        容      
◆ 何謂專案管理與本課程重點 
◆ 專案失敗八項主因
◆ 專案管理四大金鋼
◆ 實獲值分析法(EVM)及CV.CPI.SV.SPI 
◆ 績效改善與管理規劃案例 
◆ 管理規劃案例
◆ What is project management? The key points of this course.
◆ The 8 reasons that caused projects failed 
◆ The 4 golden rules of the project management
◆ Earned Value Management EVM and CV.CPI.SV.SPI
◆ The performance improvement and the case of the management plan
◆ The cases of the project management

◆ 專案失敗八項主因:6.缺乏適當的風險管理 
◆ 專案三變數、四限制與專案管理三要素、五步驟 
◆ 專案五大生命週期說明 
◆ 價值鏈與波特五力分析 
◆ 波特五力分析 
◆ 進入與退出障礙與買方的力量 
◆ 波特五力之介紹
◆ 介紹BCG矩陣,分析產品在市場的定位  
◆ The 8 reasons caused projects failed: No.6 shortage of the suitable risk managements 
The 3 management variable factors and 4 limitations. The project management 3 elements and 5 steps.
The introduction of project’s 5 life cycles
The chain of values and the analysis of Michael Porter's Five Forces Model
The analysis of Michael Porter's Five Forces Model
The entry and exit obstacles and the power of buyers
The introduction of Michael Porter's Five Forces Model
The introduction of BCG matrix and analyzing products’ positions in the market. 

◆ 介紹BCG矩陣2中的零碎型、專案型、量產型與膠著型, 
◆ 何謂策略矩陣、產業價值鏈、早餐店如何運用競爭性武器成功。 
◆ 將SWOT分析轉化成SWOT行動策略。 
◆ 產業分析名詞解釋 
◆ 介紹專案資料分析與專案範疇計畫書 
◆ 介紹Greiner的組織成長模型及企業成長時的生命週期與突破。 
◆ 介紹情境與資源依賴理論與交易、專屬、非專屬成本。 
◆ 了解企業組織中各個職位的名稱意義  
  The introduction of BCG matrix: No.2 scraps, profession, quantification, and stalemating.
What is the strategy matrix and the industrial value chain? ◆How do the breakfast stores use the competitive weapons to success?
Turning the SWOT analysis into the SWOT action strategies.
The nouns’ definitions of the industrial analysis.
The introductions of the project data analysis and the project plan.
The introduction of the Greiner Growth Phases Model and the life cycle and the breaking in the business growing time.
The introduction of circumstances, the resource dependence theory, making deals, and the exclusive and unexclusive costs.
To understand the various positions meanings in the business organizations.

◆ 組織中不可或缺的五管中的產銷人發財
◆ 創新的行銷7P 
◆ 五管之人力資源-選甄育用留 
◆ 產品事業的不同組織結構與其優缺點 
◆ 矩陣式結構與強矩陣、弱矩陣 
◆ 從實際的個案來了解組織容易發生的問題與解決的方法 
◆ 專案的前置工作及需注意的細節 
◆ 風險評估及應變措施 
◆ 意料之內與意料之外的風險紀錄表 
◆ 組織慣性及專案計畫書 
  The 5 important things in the organization: produce, sale, human resources, development and fortune.
The creations of the marketing 7P
The 5 managements: the human resources—choosing people and the vocational education.
The advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of organizations structures in the marketing.
The matrix constrictions and the strong ones and the weak ones
To understand the common questions and solutions in the organizations from the particular cases.
The preparation works and the details that needs to be payed attention before the projects.
The risk evaluations and the emergency measures.
The expected and unexpected risk records. 
The organizational inertia and the project plans

◆ 了解實獲值分析法並實際運算 
◆ 個案分析 
◆ 由歷史故事中學習管理的運用、統治之術
◆ 組織創意思考之方法 
◆ 利用心智圖法與六頂思考帽進行創新思考  
  To know the Earned Value Management and calculate practically.
The cases studies
To learn the application of managements and the ruling methods from history stories.
The way of organizing creative thinking
To do creative thinking by using the mind maps and the six thinking hats.





  • 專案管理(Project management)

Chapters on OCW


邱洋 教授

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